What is StuBio?

StuBio is the facultary student council of the bioscience engineering faculty. The council represents and defents the interests of students. The topics range from affairs concerning education (reform of educations, corona measures on education,...) as well as social affairs (faculty life, mental health) and many other topics. The list of topics is quite diverse and is not limited to the aforementioned.

Who is StuBio?

StuBio consists of a General Assembly and a Board. The General Assembly consists of all student representatives of our faculty, which have voting rights, and interested students. The General Assembly yearly elects its Board which is responsible for the daily operation. The Board consists out of the president, vice president and treasurer.

Contact us

You can contact us if you have ideas for a project, if you need help with a problem with a course or if you need information or advice. You can mail us at stubio@ugent.be.